Monday, October 23, 2006

Super Sitter

We have a new chicken fancier in the Greater Newport/Toledo metro area. Angelina, house sitter for Lucky Cluck Farms, has quickly taken a fancy for our fair fowl. Never having spent time with chickens she didn’t realize how beautiful and fascinating they are. A quick study, she already knows the names of the chickens better than most co-op members. I gave Angelina the poultry quiz from the last Coop Scoop and she quickly aced it. The only hick-up was the Cookie vs. Buff I.D and, really, that's hardly fair with potential variations in photographic details such as exposure, lighting and color space. What is he talking about? Who cares. She aced the quiz and is doing a great job with the chickens. She is even giving poor Penny some extra meal worms on the side. Thanks to Angelina, our super sitter.