Dear Lucky Cluckers:
Lucky Cluck Farms has a new publication! I have the pleasure of announcing that “A Guide to our Favorite Fowl” is now available to fellow chicken fanciers. The publication will be used by farm hands, rancheros, co-op members, house sitters and Doug to make sure all of the preferred chickens at Lucky Cluck get cooped up at night. The guide also make for handsome wall décor.
Best Chickens, RP 
Thank you Ram for putting together this beautiful and very important, dare I say lifesaving, guide. It will be put to practical use as soon as next Tuesday night! Dawn
Hello Mr RP... I'm more of a lurker than a participant, but I had to write and tell that I read anything and everything about the chooks and the Lucky Cluck Co-Op, and I try to follow everything closely... I just wanted to tell you that I think you are doing a stellar job- so thank you! I just wanted to pass that along.
Lily's patron-
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