Poor Penny. This sweestest of hens at Lucky Cluck with an owner who celebrates her gentle nature, doe-eyed countenance and affinity for cheese bore the brunt of a predator attack in early October. Never mind how it happened, the result is Penny spending the past week in a dog kennel healing from four deep wounds. It's a miracle she survived the attack and I am thankful every day that she did. Her appetite and spunky personality have not skipped a beat and she has been treated to fine dining on fresh corn, watermelon, cheese, rice, wheat bread, and scrambled egg (yes, chickens love egg). In fact it may be true to say that I am suffering more from her wounds than she is thus far. Penicillin and Neosporin have worked there wonders and her wounds are scarring over nicely. As for the cat that attacked this gentlest of fowl, well let's hope it doesn't show its deadly paws around Lucky Cluck again. |
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Perils of being Penny
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9:19 PM
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Now let's just try to keep her away from that clucking hen, Tango, and that cloaca-kissing cock, Jimmy. Thank you for your careful nurturing of this fabulous fowl.
Maybe Penny would feel better if you fed her the "best penne pasta" you have ever had!
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