Saturday, August 19, 2006

Interspecies Love?

Dear Co-op Members and casual chicken fanciers,

We have 24 chickens right now and I have owned chickens for five years now, but never have I seen a chicken so smitten with a dog. Aspen is our 10 year old yellow lab. He thinks that chickens are nothing more than blades of grass - easy to ignore and uninteresting. The chickens feel pretty much the same way about him. But then came Blue. It's so strange, but she really likes Aspen. Each morning when I let them out of the coop they all go running around pecking for food and such. Aspen always walks around the fenced chicken yard smelling for coons or cats. Every morning, without fail since two months ago, Blue follows his every footstep completely around the yard ignoring all of the other chickens and disregarding early food gathering. In the evening when they are all out of the fenced yard and can mingle, Blue is found with Aspen. She studies him, follows him and otherwise enjoys his company.

Dawn Grafe
Co-op Founder


khem said...

hello. this is dawn, dacey & khem. we are hanging out at ye olde lucky cluck, canning tuna, listening to suga dooodle crow like the virile cock that he is(n't).
fabulous idea starting this blog, ram! beatriz (aka beatrice) tells me that she's looking forward to posting her deep thoughts on salal berries.
we're missing ya here! the co-op needs you! wednesday night dinners need you!

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