What could be a surer sign of spring than 47 adorable chicks showing up at your Lucky Cluck Farms? Lots of things. Even so it felt like spring as these symbols of fuzzy rebirth bounced around the basement. This year's assortment featured lots of banties, including 8 color forms of Old English....alas these are all destined for Muddy Paw Farms. We are just chick-sitting briefly. A total of three out of 47 will stay at Lucky Cluck. Here is an Old-English Bantie attempting to fend of a Golden Campine attempting to sit on her.
The favorites for Dawn and Ram were the Blue Ginger Old English, such as this charmer already preening herself to fluffy perfection.
As usual the chicks go bonkers for meal worms. Here is a three-way tug-a-war. Poor worm. Now lets look at an assortment of shots of the little cuties: